Ever look at the junk in your basement and say… “Hey, I wonder what I could make out of all that?”

Here’s a story of one family, trapped inside by rainy weather, who made a sailboat out of PVC pipe, duct tape, tarps and bungee cords. And more duct tape.

And then sailed it.

Redneck Homemade Sailboat

The Short Story of the Homemade Dog Island Yacht (Don’t Add a Jib Yet)

Do you need a bit of motivation to sign-up for a booth? Check out some of these examples of the best of the best. Then gather your gadgets, family and friends and sign up for a booth.

“The staff of MAKE and Maker Faire award Maker Faire Editor’s Choice Ribbons to the Makers that have demonstrated great creativity, ingenuity and innovation for their Maker Faire project. These ribbons are handed out at each event and signify the highlights of Maker Faire.” http://makerfaire.com/blue-ribbon/

Officially Calling All Makers!

Are you a … tinkerer? Mad scientist? Yarn bomber? Robot whisperer? Gadget fixer? User of unusual tools? Woodworker? Puppeteer? RC car fanatic? LED artist? FIRST team? Sculptor?

Want to share what you’re working on? Teach someone about it? Figure it out with other like-minded souls?

See our Call for Makers application and come hang out with us at the Mini Maker Faire.

Full press release: Louisville Mini Maker Faire Opens “Call for Makers”

“What’s a Maker Faire”, part 2: Here’s a talk by Dale Dougherty which encapsulates what it is to be a Maker, and why Makers are important. 


Dale is the president/CEO of Maker Media, which spun out of O’Reilly Media in 2013. He is the founding editor and publisher of MAKE magazine and the co-creator of Maker Faire. So, he’s pretty much our patron saint. Follow him at @dalepd. 

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