We’re pretty excited to introduce our 2013 Makers to you. This list continues to evolve as we get more information in, so check back from time to time between now and the end of the month. The best way to see all of our great Makers is to attend the Faire – it’s free!

View our list of Makers by category:

  • 3D Printers – a whole “zoo” full
  • Arts & Crafts – Paint, create, sculpt, knit, DIY comics, and more.
  • Engineering – robots, things that blink, glow or breathe fire
  • Food & Beverage – Food. And beverages. (Bunsen burners and lab setups will be involved.)
  • “Spectacle” – we REALLY can’t describe most of these!
  • Workshops – learn a bunch of new skills
  • Young Makers – LEGO, glue gun creations, projects by and for the next generation